Thursday, November 9, 2017

Understanding South-Indian Charts.

Now, lets start with the South-Indian version of Lagna Chart. If you have already understood the North-Indian version, you will easily understand this South-Indian version as well.
Lets start...
This is how South-Indian Chart looks like. (see above)
NOTE: The first box in the top-left is NOT the 1st house.
The 1st house in this version starts from the second box and continues in CLOCKWISE direction. means the third box will become the 2nd House and so on.
You can see from the chart above, 0 degree starts from the 2nd box and that node also representing MID APRIL month.
So, our 1st house (House of ARIES sign) will start from this 2nd box.
We can say,

(Starts) 0 - 30 degrees = (1)ARIES sign;
30 - 60 = (2)TAURUS;
60 - 90 = (3)GEMINI;
90 - 120 = (4)CANCER;
120 - 150 = (5)LEO;
150 - 180 = (6)VIRGO;
180 - 210 = (7)LIBRA;
210 - 240 = (8)SCORPION;
240 - 270 = (9)SAGITTARIUS;
270 - 300 = (10)CAPRICORN;
300 - 330 = (11)AQUARIUS;
330 - 360 (last) = (12)PISCES.

Now, what about their LORD planets? Lets place them and see what will it look like.

If you remember my previous posts regarding LORDS of the SIGNS in North-Indian version, you will remember that their LORDS remain the same. In North-Indian version, HOUSES remains FIXED, but in South-Indian version, RASHIs remain FIXED. Only HOUSES moves in CLOCKWISE direction. We will see this soon.

In the chart above, you will see clearly that 1st house is where the LAGNA sits.
Your date of birth may have different house for LAGNA that depends on which time of the day you were born in. We will be discussing this - HOW TO DETERMINE LAGNA (roughly) in my upcoming post.
Similarly, observe the chart shown below:
Lagna starts from the 2nd house for TAURUS Lagna-Charts. And in similar way, Houses are numbered in clockwise direction from the house of Lagna.
This is how South-Indian version works. RASHIs are fixed, HOUSES are moving in clockwise direction. Rest are all the same as what we had already seen in North-Indian version of Lagna-Charts.

Now lets revise those Houses in which Planets EXALTS:
Yeah! all are same, except for Rahu and Ketu, which exalts in only one house each.
And for debilitation, just move to the seventh house from the exalted house, means Sun gets exalted in 0 - 30 degree and debilitates in 180 - 210 degree (where Saturn exalts). Similarly for other planets.
These positions are FIXED and you can easily find out which planet has exalted and which debilitated.
Thank You.

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