Thursday, November 9, 2017

How to make NAVAMSHA Chart from Birth-Chart? (Simplified)

NAVAMSHA Chart is a magnified chart of each house of your Birth-chart.
Means, 30 degrees of each house of Lagna-Chart is further divided into 9 more parts.
NAVAMSHA Houses (Revise it)

M = Moving Sign; F = Fixed Sign; C = Common Trait
 Means, 0 to 30 degrees of Lagna Chart is further divided into 9 Navamsha Houses.
In the second pic, you will see how the RASHIs are observed as MOVING, FIXED and COMMON (both trait) SIGNs. These traits are FIXED and does not move like houses.

Now lets make a Navamsha Chart by knowing the position of planets in LAGNA chart.
For example, lets take a LAGNA chart in which SUN is in SAGITTARIUS Sign at 21 degree 26 minutes of that house. It will look like the chart below.

Now consult the NAVAMSHA Chart and locate in which Navamsha house the SUN is positioned. You need to remember that chart to do this job quickly because there are 8 more planets in the line which we need to work on later.
Now check Houses (1st, 5th and 9th) from the house in which the SUN is(in LagnaChart), and find which is the FIRST MOVING SIGN clockwise from the SUN. Once you get that house, make it the STARTING House in the NAVAMSHA Chart and move 7 Houses forward. Why 7? Check the Navamsha TABLE.
Here SUN with 21degrees26minutes will house in 7th Navamsha House. So move 7 houses clockwise. In the way as shown below:

This is the final position of the SUN in NAVAMSHA Chart.
Similarly, find out the position of all the planets of Lagna-Chart, in NAVAMSHA Chart.
If Lagna Chart is the KING, then Navamsha Chart is the QUEEN. Consult Both. Its Mandatory to confirm the nature of planets of your Lagna-Chart with your Navamsha Chart.

Thank You.

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