Friday, August 30, 2024

The Cigarette-Sapien

One could argue that a person who commits a criminal act ought to be guilty of the crime. Means that the person who committed the crime should be the one to feel guilty in order to bring about the realisation of what he or she has done. Because of this, the experience of guilt is necessary in order to acknowledge one's error. But, what would happen if you discovered a way to suppress the sense of guilt so that you could live a life free of guilt? On the one hand, it would be wonderful, but on the other, it would be annoying for others.

Persons who refuse to acknowledge their own shortcomings tend to have personalities that are shrewd and combative. How come? mainly due to the fact that one of the ways to circumvent the sensation of guilt is to provide a justification for the error, which may appear to be rational, but in reality, it is nothing more than a means of avoiding acknowledging the error and, consequently, the sensation of guilt.

Displacement becomes the activity that these individuals enjoy doing the most, and as a result, they develop a personality trait that is characterised by making other people feel bad. They are led to believe that they are gaining intelligence as a result of this. However, this is nothing more than a change of focus from themselves, to the person who caused him to feel guilty. This results in an atmosphere that is rife with arguments, which is not a conducive setting for discussing any subject.

My research has shown that individuals who become intoxicated as a result of using alcohol, smoking, or drugs are more likely to exhibit the effects of a guilt-free condition. To put it another way, people get drunk for the sole purpose of removing the feel of guilt that is associated with anything. More intoxication (alcohol + cigarette etc) results in a greater sense of freedom from guilt, and as a result, one is considered to be in a high condition. At this point, people have either forgotten the origin of the guilt or they have found the justification to completely get rid of the guilt.

While under the influence of increased intoxication, one's imagination is stifled, and the sensation of being liberated from guilt takes control of everything. At this point, feelings of guiltlessness take control of the sub-conscious state of mind, and as a result, every memory begins to melt away, and the individual is brought back to the current moment. He is able to concentrate with more clarity, which differs from person to person. Some individuals begin to behave in a manner that is determined by the emotions that they repress when they are in a state of conscious mind. As time goes on, some people get contentious, others become more chatty, some become aggressive, some become extremely silent, some become lyrical, some become very loud, some become friendly, and some express just bad parts, etc.

The point is that people who use drinking as a means of escaping their feelings of guilt are the ones who are unable to exercise control over their cognitive process. Intoxication is necessary for them because it slows down their thought process, which allows them to justify everything, which in turn makes their feelings of guilt disappear. Additionally, because of this, their personality is not something that can be relied on or trusted because they have an explanation for everything that they say in order to make you feel guilty about what you say.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Logical Nature

Cause & Effect
Everything operates according to logic. The idea that every action has a reason associated with it is the fundamental principle of logic. Everything is connected to it in a manner that is analogous to a lengthy chain of acts. 
Try to keep in mind that nature has a purpose for causing you to suffer whenever you are experiencing symptoms of illness or afflicted with any sickness. Because everything is based on logic, nature has a rationale for every emotion that you experience, whether it be happiness, sadness, jealousy, or egotism.
But the issue is that the human brain has not yet reached the point where it has gained a significant amount of knowledge to comprehend the concept of cause and effect, which is necessary in order to discover the reason for the cause. Due to the fact that logic is a lengthy chain of cause and effect, the branches of logic can only be comprehended by connecting it to the pattern that we discovered in the universe. To illustrate, astrology looks for patterns in the celestial bodies in order to comprehend the chain of events that leads to the consequences.
According to astrology, which is the study of connection between causes and effects, our birth is not a coincidence. Each individual is born with a blueprint of their life's journey, which is known to astrologers, albeit in a limited quantity. It is not an easy task to become an astrologer; nonetheless, one who is a sharp observer and a person who is able to formulate principles is qualified to become an astrologer.
Nevertheless, the reason I am writing so much is because I am attempting to show something that I do not know but have just a gut feeling about: the existence of the cause and effect principle. Is it possible for my intuition to lead to logic? In actuality, what exactly is an intuition?
I can say that intuition is a sensation of being connected to the universe, and that intuitive power has the capacity to understand the lengthy chain of logic that nature has been careful to preserve since the beginning of the cosmos.
Observing that everything exists in duality, such as good and evil, positive and negative, sad and happy, up and down, cold and hot, aggressive and surrender, rich and poor, matter and anti-matter, etc., is an intriguing thing to take into consideration. The existence of two extreme opposed ends is what we mean when we talk about duality. Why duality exists? Well, it need logical reasoning to understand it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

An Old Child

When I was a kid, I was involved in activities that I enjoyed the most. I sometimes felt like I was psychologically maturing into an adult because I always like adult-related activities. Adult-related does not imply undesirable behaviour such as smoking, drinking, or using drugs. It simply means to keep silent when the situation becomes unbearable, to be patient when I desperately need something, or to make calm decisions in tough situations.

A child is continually trying to establish that he or she is no longer a youngster. Someone telling him he is no longer a child is the highest form of praise a child can receive. Old and mature people, on the other hand, do not seek such praise since they are more self-aware and understand what they have become.
Old age is not a desirable state to be in. Mentally, being older implies being sluggish to understand things because of lifelong memories to scan first and then react. Children react quickly because they are mentally active. Older people take longer to react, or if they react quickly, their decisions become comparable to those of children.
A child has a fluid identity, whereas a mature person has a stable identity. Fluid identity refers to the fact that a person's knowledge of themselves or self-concept is not stable due to their constant growth and learning. A mature individual, on the other hand, has a more developed sense of identity, which means they are more stable in terms of self-identification.

Loud & Irritating

Now, what an Old-Child means? It means those who,
1. tries badly to prove that he is still not a child anymore.
2. asserts that smoking/drinking/drugs are not for children but for themselves.
3. will unnecessarily argue in order to prove himself/herself right in the hopes of winning some prize for doing so.
4. asserts that he/she is always right and you are wrong.
5. does not accept his/her own mistakes and try hard to prove other are wrong not him/her.
6. is easily offended by others and will use provoking language to degrade others.
In general, this means that old-child syndrome is an element of psychology that must be validated in order to be included as an irritating personality trait.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Mineral Tax : Who can impose?

Mineral Area Development Authority vs Steel authority of India.

The Supreme Court ruled that the division of legislative powers between the Union and the States is a key component of India's federal framework. Under normal circumstances, Parliament cannot trespass on the plenary power of state legislatures, unless the Constitution specifically allows it.

Indian federalism is classified as asymmetric because it tilts towards the Centre, although majority judges found that state legislatures are not subject to the Union in areas solely allocated for them.

The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDRA), 1957, gives both the Union and State governments more responsibilities for mineral development in India.

Then the question arises:

Who has the actual power to tax mines and minerals?

The court had to interpret Entry 54 of the Union List, which is part of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution and deals with mine and mineral development regulations. The majority judges ruled that this is a generic entry that does not include the right to tax.

As a result, Article 54 of the Union List prohibits Parliament from imposing a tax on mining rights. However, under Entry 50 of the State List, the State Legislature is responsible for taxing mineral rights.

Article 246 of the Constitution empowers state legislatures to enact laws pertaining to entries on the State list, which include taxes on mineral rights under entry 50; thus, this entry allows States to tax mineral rights subject to any limitations imposed by Parliament by law relating to mineral development.

But in case,

India Cement Ltd vs State of Tamil Nadu

The Supreme Court concluded that the States could not levy mineral taxes due to the limitation set by Section 9 of the MMDRA, which is the imposition of royalty. Here, royalty is interpreted as a tax.

Friday, August 23, 2024

My Eye Checkup

Google Maps
Today I went to the ophthalmologist for an eye checkup. I took a bath, dressed, and prepared to drive the car. I asked Usha to open the main gate so I could get the car out on the road. I launched the Google Maps app on my phone and began my journey towards Sector 46. It took me around 15-20 minutes to get to the clinic. I parked my car across the street and entered the clinic.
There were few patients, so I went to the receptionist and showed him my appointment ticket. He encouraged me to have a dilation session first and then meet with the doctor, but I refused because I arrived alone and the procedure would take two hours to complete. So, I requested to meet the doctor first.
Eye-Q Hospital
He went inside, and the doctor followed him out to call me for a direct consultation. The Doctor and I entered a room, and she requested me to sit in a chair on the far right of her desk. She then instructed me to place my chin on the machine's support so that she could plainly see the infection in my eye through it. After seeing, she got a tool with a bent end and began pushing it on the bulging infection in the corner of my eye, pulling out the puss. I felt some discomfort, but it disappeared gradually, and she gave me a tissue paper to wipe the area on my own. Then she prompted me to take the same medication she had prescribed previously and rewrote the prescription on new paper. I came out and sat in the car, satisfied that I had been treated properly.
And I used my phone's Google Maps app to go back home.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Taunt vs Sarcasm.

A taunt is an indirect word or statement intended to target someone.

A taunting person has different ways to say unpleasant words. The taunting person uses a tactic of fabricating a story to convey the unpleasant words to the target, ensuring that the taunter benefits regardless of the target person's understanding.

The issue arises when the target person has to create a narrative to respond to the taunter, a task that only the taunter can comprehend. However, others who possess this skill can silently enjoy listening to the taunter's and the target's conversations.

Almost everyone uses this skill to express or release their anger towards someone's viewpoint. I personally dislike the taunters because it takes energy to reply their way. To remain silent is the key to not igniting heated arguments just to defend one's ego. When a statement transitions from indirect to direct, it can trigger a heated dispute, thereby intensifying the unpleasant atmosphere.

Now, what is the difference between Taunt and Sarcasm?

=> Below information taken from: ChatGPT.

Taunt and sarcasm both involve saying something hurtful or mocking, but they differ in tone, intent, and context.

  1. Taunt:

    • Tone: Direct, aggressive, and often intended to provoke or belittle someone.
    • Intent: To mock, insult, or challenge someone, often to make them angry or upset.
    • Example: "You're too slow; you'll never win this race!"
    • Context: Typically used in confrontational situations, where the goal is to cause emotional harm or provoke a reaction.
  2. Sarcasm:

    • Tone: Indirect, often humorous, and characterized by saying the opposite of what is meant, with a tone that makes the true intent clear.
    • Intent: Can be playful or cutting, depending on the context, but it often involves mocking someone or something in a subtle or witty way.
    • Example: "Oh great, another meeting—just what I needed!"
    • Context: Often used in social interactions where the speaker is trying to convey dissatisfaction, irony, or humor without being overtly aggressive.

In summary, while both taunting and sarcasm can be used to mock, taunting is more about direct confrontation and insult, while sarcasm is more about subtlety and irony, sometimes with a humorous undertone.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Feelings is our God; Soul is our temple.

Man's ability to feel the world and his mind allows him to connect with the universe. Feelings generate emotions, which are necessary to achieve goals and fulfill needs and desires.

Emotions are the by-product of feelings. When one feels something, emotions come into play. Then emotions tell you how to feel strongly, or, in other words, guide how you should react.

Now, react means act. Your reactions, initially guided by your emotions, determine your actions; therefore, your feelings become the source of all.

Therefore, the sequence becomes:

Feelings > Emotions > Reactions > Actions.

This cycle starts over again once you finish your action, and after your action, you again feel, which further creates emotions, and you react to the situation for your next action. And this is what God does. This is why you claim that God's intention drove you to complete your action. Hence, feelings are God.


This sequence of events takes place within a container known as the 'SOUL'. The soul, or driving force, serves as the container in which this sequence of actions takes place. It is similar to a temple in which God lives. If feelings are God, then the soul is the temple.

Milk Thistle - Caution!

The workings of human psychology have always been something that has fascinated me, and because of this, I have always made myself the topi...