Friday, August 30, 2024

The Cigarette-Sapien

One could argue that a person who commits a criminal act ought to be guilty of the crime. Means that the person who committed the crime should be the one to feel guilty in order to bring about the realisation of what he or she has done. Because of this, the experience of guilt is necessary in order to acknowledge one's error. But, what would happen if you discovered a way to suppress the sense of guilt so that you could live a life free of guilt? On the one hand, it would be wonderful, but on the other, it would be annoying for others.

Persons who refuse to acknowledge their own shortcomings tend to have personalities that are shrewd and combative. How come? mainly due to the fact that one of the ways to circumvent the sensation of guilt is to provide a justification for the error, which may appear to be rational, but in reality, it is nothing more than a means of avoiding acknowledging the error and, consequently, the sensation of guilt.

Displacement becomes the activity that these individuals enjoy doing the most, and as a result, they develop a personality trait that is characterised by making other people feel bad. They are led to believe that they are gaining intelligence as a result of this. However, this is nothing more than a change of focus from themselves, to the person who caused him to feel guilty. This results in an atmosphere that is rife with arguments, which is not a conducive setting for discussing any subject.

My research has shown that individuals who become intoxicated as a result of using alcohol, smoking, or drugs are more likely to exhibit the effects of a guilt-free condition. To put it another way, people get drunk for the sole purpose of removing the feel of guilt that is associated with anything. More intoxication (alcohol + cigarette etc) results in a greater sense of freedom from guilt, and as a result, one is considered to be in a high condition. At this point, people have either forgotten the origin of the guilt or they have found the justification to completely get rid of the guilt.

While under the influence of increased intoxication, one's imagination is stifled, and the sensation of being liberated from guilt takes control of everything. At this point, feelings of guiltlessness take control of the sub-conscious state of mind, and as a result, every memory begins to melt away, and the individual is brought back to the current moment. He is able to concentrate with more clarity, which differs from person to person. Some individuals begin to behave in a manner that is determined by the emotions that they repress when they are in a state of conscious mind. As time goes on, some people get contentious, others become more chatty, some become aggressive, some become extremely silent, some become lyrical, some become very loud, some become friendly, and some express just bad parts, etc.

The point is that people who use drinking as a means of escaping their feelings of guilt are the ones who are unable to exercise control over their cognitive process. Intoxication is necessary for them because it slows down their thought process, which allows them to justify everything, which in turn makes their feelings of guilt disappear. Additionally, because of this, their personality is not something that can be relied on or trusted because they have an explanation for everything that they say in order to make you feel guilty about what you say.

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