Monday, January 24, 2011

Imagining, what 'Time-Dilation' is?

Time need some attention!
The time is like a breeze which is passing through the 'resting elements' of the nature in a very swift manner and can be interpreted either by observing the biological change in nature or by developing a device to see the change.
This change is a continuous process. It’s like water through a pipe. The water passing through a pipe shows the complete system of time frame system developed by Einstein and many other eminent scientists who imagined the nature of interlinking facts and theories.
Normally, each one of us in rest state are lying in the very center of this pipe. Here pipe is divided into different pieces according to the distance from a frame of reference which can be anyone i.e. me, you or any body else. Time is the flow of water in a particular direction. We all are enjoying the swiftness and thus are incapable of understanding the differential change in the swiftness of time. At the center of the pipe means the place where the water has maximum velocity. This is the normal time frame we all are observing. And the relativity between each one of us is ‘null’. Hence time is equally passing for each one of us. It means that we all are lying in a boat moving with same velocity. Hence the relative velocity is ‘null’. This is happening when our own velocity is ‘null’ i.e. we are in the ‘rest state’ at the center of that pipe. We are just observing the same velocity of time it is passing through us.
velocity is similar in case of real world
Now here is a twist. The other layer of the water in the pipe has different velocity because of viscous drag property of the water. Higher the viscosity more will be the viscous drag. The portion which is just separating the two layers is a transition-layer. To cross this transition-layer a particular phenomenon is required to jump over to the next layer where time is not flowing with the same speed as it is flowing at the center. And when one reaches in this layer the time slows down. It is same like a layer of liquid nearer to the wall of the pipe slows down because of the viscous drag property of the liquid.
Now how to reach the next layer by overcoming that transition-layer?
The answer is ‘velocity’. This velocity has its direction different from the velocity of the time. This is like saying ‘Only metal can cut the other metal’ if the latter one has the same property as the former one. Similarly, velocity of a subject tries to compensate the velocity of time in a very mathematical form. Once one reached there, the time slows down. Only the factor which controls this transition is velocity of subject who want to cross the layer. And the difference between these two time frames is termed as ‘time-dilation’ means how much time the next layer lags behind from the original (i.e. at the center of the pipe) time.
Now there are other factors also which has to compensate in order to sqeeze the time in the next layer where we are now (i.e. time is moving slower). These factors are length and mass of the subject. The miracle of this transition is that it states the indefinite nature of length and mass. Usually length is equal for all. 1cm = 10mm or 1 meter = 100cm etc. but when one crosses the transition layer these values cries for help because then their authority comes down to the toes. Now 1cm may be = 5mm or 1 meter may become = 10cm, it just depends on the speed of the subject who is enjoying the transition but unaware of this dilemma. This is called dilemma because then there will be no fixed rule to define length and mass.
The effect of this transition with the speed of subject decreases the time, with the same percent decrease in the length but some increment in the mass of the subject. The increase in the mass is proportional to the increasing velocity of the subject and becomes infinite when velocity reaches the exact value of speed of light. Hence nobody can attain this velocity.
Now coming to the point, when subject reaches the next layer by overcoming the transition-layer, he still cannot see the flowing water at the center. He can predict the velocity of water flowing at the center. Here comes the paradoxical situation when he realizes that time is running faster than his own watch. He can realize this only when he will return to the original layer of real world. Before this he is with his own time reference. This is like predicting electron density in the cloud of orbiting charged particles around the nucleus of an atom.

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