Friday, November 10, 2017

Astrology + Numerology = (My Research)

The process is very simple.
As we all are familiar with these ENGLISH letters i.e. A, B, C,..., to Z. Total alphabets are 26.
What if we will add these alphabets, like in SUN we have, S+U+N = 19+21+14 = [54].
Similarly, I've summed up all the alphabets of each planet till I got their unique (Single Digit)  number. i.e.

In addition to this,
RAHU = 48 = 4+8 = 12 = [3]
KETU = 57 = 5+7 = 12 = [3]
Amazingly, Both RAHU and KETU have the same number means they are having the same power. This is actually true because they both are the extreme nodal points of the Sun's orbital plane dissecting the Moon's orbital plane and they both exists with the same degrees.
Now moving on, if we group these planets according to their power (i.e. their numerical value) then we can write them in the following manner:

In Astrology, the SUN is the King of the Solar system, JUPITAR is the GURU of the Gods, and the VENUS is the GURU of the Demons. Means, all GURU's got the number 9, which is a highest number in Numerology, having the maximum power.

Then comes the MARS which gets the number 6. Its significance is unknown to me. Working on it!
Then at the 3rd position is the MERCURY with the number 4. Still figuring out its significance.
But they both are having total energy of 6+4 = 10 = 1 (warriors, aggressive, extreme will-power).

In last, comes the 4th and the last group (of MOON, SATURN, RAHU, KETU) which gets the unique number 3. Also, note that number 3 is the seventh next to 9 in a LAGNA-chart, so showing exactly what Astrology says. SUN and SATURN occupies houses which are 180 degree apart (means in the next 7th House from the SUN).

Interestingly, if you add all these group numbers (i.e. 9+6+4+3) you will get the resultant number 22. It is the MOST POWERFUL of all the numbers in Numerology and here, it is summing up all the planets (group) numbers mean showing the exact balance of power, as what Astrology already explained.

Thank You.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

How to make NAVAMSHA Chart from Birth-Chart? (Simplified)

NAVAMSHA Chart is a magnified chart of each house of your Birth-chart.
Means, 30 degrees of each house of Lagna-Chart is further divided into 9 more parts.
NAVAMSHA Houses (Revise it)

M = Moving Sign; F = Fixed Sign; C = Common Trait
 Means, 0 to 30 degrees of Lagna Chart is further divided into 9 Navamsha Houses.
In the second pic, you will see how the RASHIs are observed as MOVING, FIXED and COMMON (both trait) SIGNs. These traits are FIXED and does not move like houses.

Now lets make a Navamsha Chart by knowing the position of planets in LAGNA chart.
For example, lets take a LAGNA chart in which SUN is in SAGITTARIUS Sign at 21 degree 26 minutes of that house. It will look like the chart below.

Now consult the NAVAMSHA Chart and locate in which Navamsha house the SUN is positioned. You need to remember that chart to do this job quickly because there are 8 more planets in the line which we need to work on later.
Now check Houses (1st, 5th and 9th) from the house in which the SUN is(in LagnaChart), and find which is the FIRST MOVING SIGN clockwise from the SUN. Once you get that house, make it the STARTING House in the NAVAMSHA Chart and move 7 Houses forward. Why 7? Check the Navamsha TABLE.
Here SUN with 21degrees26minutes will house in 7th Navamsha House. So move 7 houses clockwise. In the way as shown below:

This is the final position of the SUN in NAVAMSHA Chart.
Similarly, find out the position of all the planets of Lagna-Chart, in NAVAMSHA Chart.
If Lagna Chart is the KING, then Navamsha Chart is the QUEEN. Consult Both. Its Mandatory to confirm the nature of planets of your Lagna-Chart with your Navamsha Chart.

Thank You.

How to find Lagna from Date Of Birth? (Roughly)

Lets take an example.
D.O.B = 6 January, 1996.
T.O.B = 12:25 (24hrs format)
Find node of 6 January.
In this way we can move to the node where 6 JANUARY is located. This will look like this:

Locating: The HOUSE of the SUN and the LAGNA.
So by locating the position of node of 6JANUARY, we can find where the SUN is.? This is because the day you were born is where the SUN should be. Got It?
Now the question is:
Q. How to determine at what time the SUN rises for that particular day?
Ans. It is fixed. We normally takes 6:00 am as the time of SUN rise for that particular day.

So, the position of the SUN is when the SUN had risen on the 6th JAN i.e. 6 am in the morning and was in the 9th house (i.e. 9th house from 0 degree). Means in the House of SAGITTARIUS.
And for SUN, each house is of 2hrs, means SUN takes about 2hrs to move through each house in a chart. So total 12 house means 12 x 2hrs = 24 hrs. OK?
Now see the TIME of birth.
Its 12:25 pm, means 6 hrs 25 minutes ahead of SUN rise. So we will move in clock-wise direction and will find that 12th house is the house in which person is born(12:25pm). So that house will become the LAGNA for that person who was born on 6JAN. This means the person born on 6 JAN got LAGNA of PISCES.
Similarly, you can locate LAGNA and position of SUN for other charts as well.
NOTE: This is a rough calculation to locate the position of LAGNA/SUN in your chart.
Thank You.

Understanding South-Indian Charts.

Now, lets start with the South-Indian version of Lagna Chart. If you have already understood the North-Indian version, you will easily understand this South-Indian version as well.
Lets start...
This is how South-Indian Chart looks like. (see above)
NOTE: The first box in the top-left is NOT the 1st house.
The 1st house in this version starts from the second box and continues in CLOCKWISE direction. means the third box will become the 2nd House and so on.
You can see from the chart above, 0 degree starts from the 2nd box and that node also representing MID APRIL month.
So, our 1st house (House of ARIES sign) will start from this 2nd box.
We can say,

(Starts) 0 - 30 degrees = (1)ARIES sign;
30 - 60 = (2)TAURUS;
60 - 90 = (3)GEMINI;
90 - 120 = (4)CANCER;
120 - 150 = (5)LEO;
150 - 180 = (6)VIRGO;
180 - 210 = (7)LIBRA;
210 - 240 = (8)SCORPION;
240 - 270 = (9)SAGITTARIUS;
270 - 300 = (10)CAPRICORN;
300 - 330 = (11)AQUARIUS;
330 - 360 (last) = (12)PISCES.

Now, what about their LORD planets? Lets place them and see what will it look like.

If you remember my previous posts regarding LORDS of the SIGNS in North-Indian version, you will remember that their LORDS remain the same. In North-Indian version, HOUSES remains FIXED, but in South-Indian version, RASHIs remain FIXED. Only HOUSES moves in CLOCKWISE direction. We will see this soon.

In the chart above, you will see clearly that 1st house is where the LAGNA sits.
Your date of birth may have different house for LAGNA that depends on which time of the day you were born in. We will be discussing this - HOW TO DETERMINE LAGNA (roughly) in my upcoming post.
Similarly, observe the chart shown below:
Lagna starts from the 2nd house for TAURUS Lagna-Charts. And in similar way, Houses are numbered in clockwise direction from the house of Lagna.
This is how South-Indian version works. RASHIs are fixed, HOUSES are moving in clockwise direction. Rest are all the same as what we had already seen in North-Indian version of Lagna-Charts.

Now lets revise those Houses in which Planets EXALTS:
Yeah! all are same, except for Rahu and Ketu, which exalts in only one house each.
And for debilitation, just move to the seventh house from the exalted house, means Sun gets exalted in 0 - 30 degree and debilitates in 180 - 210 degree (where Saturn exalts). Similarly for other planets.
These positions are FIXED and you can easily find out which planet has exalted and which debilitated.
Thank You.

Milk Thistle - Caution!

The workings of human psychology have always been something that has fascinated me, and because of this, I have always made myself the topi...