Saturday, August 14, 2010

We all are sleeping day and night

Dreaming about the Dreams!

Every human being sleeps in a deep tunnel of oblivion. His entire life is spent napping. If he doesn't sleep, he will surely observe the sanctity of his surroundings. If he isn't deep asleep, he will be able to see God. An awakened man's experience is akin to that of godliness, but a sleeping man's experience is never as such.
Whenever anyone asks me whether God exists, Then I tell him that this question shows that you are not awake at all. And until you're asleep, there will be no God. This is like a normal man standing in the sun's light with his eyes closed, asking whether the sun exists. Then what will we say to him? Either we will describe him as the sun or we will think that he has closed his eyes, which is why this question has been raised.

The person, even in the presence of sun, keeps his eyes closed, is always full of darkness within himself. And even sun cannot remove this darkness.

Similarly, God, like a sun, is always present around us. As fishes are living in an ocean, similarly we are living with God, always. But still, everytimes this question is raised whether God exist or not? This clearly means that our eyes are closed and we are simply sleeping.

By sleeping means that we are surrounded by various dreams. Our consciousness is always surrounded by dreams, day and night. At night it is as usual, but this is also happening during the day. We are involved in a continous journey toward future in just dreams. Nobody is living in the present. Either we are lost in the memories of our past or weaving the hopes for the imagined future. But nobody lives in present. This is the sleep and this is the dream.

Those who are living in present are awake but those who are in the past as well as in future are said to be sleeping. This is the basic principle of sleeping. Because past is past. It has left the present and just some memories are left behind. Neither these memories are such important nor those which is yet to come. Hence, whose mind is wandering in either past or future is just wandering in a dream and not in the reality. And reality is in present, neither in rear nor in front. There is no other substitute of present and other than present is all unreal, untrue, non-existent. And we are just wandering, our journey takes place in this non-existence. This is the dream, a dreamland and we are sleeping in it.
We not only dreams at night but also during the day. During the day, we are so much involved in our work that we become unaware of the cycles of dreams moving within our selves. Just close your eyes and you will see those lines of dreams you're having.
At night, there are uncountable number of stars in the sky. During the day, they are not visible. This doesn't mean that they are not present. They are also present during the day, but they are not actually visible. Because sun's light creates a curtain which hides those stars. In the darkness they are visible but in light, they aren't.
Similarly, don't ever think as "those dreams at night are just finished in the day and hence i am awake". They are just hiding in the day as those stars in the daylight. Dreams are very alive and their journey is in the progress within ourselves. You are working and also those dreams are present at that very moment. Just try to stop doing your work for a moment and you'll find their presence within you. No one knows what planning is going on inside, what are those imaginations going in there? Noone knows what memories are forming and which hopes are generating for the future. There's a large bubble of dreams germinating within us and this bubble is the source of our laziness, our sleep. And till the time these bubbles are present within humans, he can't see the truth.
To see the truth, one has to leave his dreams. To search the truth one has to leave his dreams and nothing else. Hence, it is necessary to leave the sleep and need to be awakened to find the truth.
Hence the first thing is that we have to realize, to know, to understand that we are sleeping. It cannot be realized in a quick way that we are sleeping.

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