Sunday, October 18, 2015

Left-Brain Seizures - A Subject Case Study.


  • Difficulty in concentrating on things & mental images or we can say while contemplating.
  • Head jerks if breathing goes deeper.
  • Breathing becomes shallow and subject has difficulty in controlling the rythm of breathing.
    • esp. can't focus on breathing while inhaling or exhaling & followed by head jerks sometimes severe in intensity while doing this.
  • Sever degradation of memory formation.
    • i.e. head jerks while recalling.
  • Head jerks while doing meditation.
  • Little heaviness in left side of the brain.
  • Sometimes left side of the tongue feels weird tastes.
  • Can't sleep at night.
  • Excercise efficiency never goes upto the progressive mark.
  • A single thought repeats itself infinitely and hard to control.
  • Mind becomes aggressive b/c can't contemplate on thoughts. Head jerks if tries so.

  • [Root Found] - It's a seizure addon with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia (if pain occurs).
  • Medicine: 1. Oxcarbamazepine SOS.
  • Keep drinking water or keep brain hydrated.
  • Do exercise esp. weight training hard.
  • Don't sit idle for too long.
  • Meditate daily in the morning.
  • In some severe cases subject need to walk while keeping head downward as possible. Also, try to sit with head in downward position when subject feel sleepy.
  • Searching more after contacting with the subject and will update asap.

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